Digital and Media Literacy in the Age of the Internet: Practical Classroom Applications
I am excited to announce the publication of my first solo book, Digital and Media Literacy in the Age of the Internet: Practical Classroom Applications through Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.
You can purchase it through either of the buttons below.
"With thorough research and practical lesson ideas, Mary Beth Hertz
gives educators a foundation for building media literacy skills in
today’s classroom."
Erin Wilkey Oh
Executive Editor, Common Sense Media
"Digital and Media Literacy in the Age of the Internet
provides guidance for teachers who recognize they have had a very
different learning experience than their students. There are statistics
on screen time, social media use, what you should watch out for, and
ways to support young people in becoming responsible content creators.
There’s advice on what you should know about privacy, laws, and holding companies accountable. There’s information on topics such the implications of teaching with technological developments like the Internet
of Things. There’s also material to help teachers understand and
explain to parents what their children should know at each grade level.
This includes essential questions written in plain language to help
guide student learning. Mary Beth Hertz’s book
provides practical examples, lessons, research, and the benefits and
challenges teachers face in the exciting and always-changing landscape
of digital teaching and learning."
Lisa Nielsen
Public School Educator & Author (@InnovativeEdu)
As the education space becomes increasingly crowded and confused
with advice on the best ways to teach in the digital age, Mary Beth’s
work stands out in relief. Instead of acronyms and buzz phrases, this
book delivers straightforward definitions and instruction based off the
edtech gold standards from the International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE). From fake news to students’ privacy, educators should
consider this a terrific primer for dealing with digital literacy.
Kevin Hogan
Managing Director of Content, Tech & Learning