What ensued was an overview of resources and procedures that we, as TTLs, should know. Links to directions on how to access public folders, links to how to order new hardware, dispose of old hardware, etc…. All stuff I’ve known about for years now. Siiighhh…I patiently sat through the overview while I set up my email on the new iPod Touch we had all received at the beginning of the meeting (more on that later).
At the part of the agenda when we were talking about filtering, I heard my name float across the room from the main speaker, who happened to be standing in the doorway. I looked up in surprise. I had no idea who he was, but he addressed me by my first name….hmm…. He was discussing the district’s new system for attending to requests to unblock sites. I’ve been, well to put in nicely, hounding the filtering team about unblocking GlogsterEDU and VoiceThread since August to no avail. Apparently I am (in)famous ‘downtown’ for my persistence and big mouth. He said something to the effect of, “We were hoping to bribe you, Mary Beth, with the iPod to appease your filtering requests.” I smiled. I liked the guy already.
What the gentleman (who, it turned out is head of Technology Services for the district) began to explain made my heart go ‘pitter-patter.’ He understood. He explained how they are changing the system by which sites get reviewed. “We need to have more input on the instructional side. Right now we have IT guys reviewing sites, and they don’t always get the educational value of a site.” He explained that the new committee would be made up of members of the Educational Technology Group (ETG), Information Technology and the highest-ups in the district when it comes to technology.
Starting in a few weeks, rather than sending an email to ‘filtering,’ we will fill out an online form stating what the site is and why we want it blocked or unblocked and then the form must be approved by our principal. That form is then sent out to all 7 members of the committee for review. He also explained that they are working closely with the company the district hired to do the filtering to get some sites reclassified. As of now, sites are blocked by software that classifies websites and blocks them according to classification. By changing the classification, they will be able to unblock those sites.
After the meeting I discovered that filtering is something that even the heads of departments ‘downtown’ have limited control over. For all of the complaining we do, it is not the people in IT or the people at ETG’s fault. It is (surprise, surprise) the lawyers who scare the district into such strict filtering that has little human input. Hopefully, with this committee reviewing sites monthly, there will be more rhyme and reason into what we see filtered in our network. I also found that I had friends down at 440 (the main district offices) who knew of my efforts and had my back.
The battle is far from over, and who knows if we will ever win, but I feel that this news today was a tiny victory along the way. I still can’t help but think of that old saying about the squeaky wheel. Apparently my voice hasn’t gone unheard (for better or for worse).
Battle photo courtesy of eisenbahner on Flickr
Filter photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Mary Beth Hertz
Mary Beth Hertz
Marcella Lessard
Marcella Lessard
Mary Beth Hertz
Marcella Lessard
Chris Lehmann
Mary Beth Hertz