If you read my earlier post about Race to the Top, you know that I have been dreading the news that my school will be labeled as a Renaissance School.

Well, my biggest fear has been realized.

In our boxes today was parent letter explaining that my school is on the list of eligible schools for Renaissance Schools.

So what does this mean? More limbo. The ‘official’ list doesn’t come out until March.  That means I won’t know my fate for another month.

Anyone looking for a hardworking lab teacher?  I’m available.


  1. Reply

    The worst part I find with schools that are determined to be "underachieving" is when that determination is made and restructuring of policies, practices, and/or staffing is set to begin, nobody knows what's up and the people "in charge" rarely inform those who will be implementing such changes (with any degree of effectiveness)…i.e., the teachers.

    I wish you the best as you assume your "wait-and-see" stance.

  2. Reply

    Agreed that we 'at the bottom' are often the last to know what is happening to us. What I wonder is who is thinking about how these changes will affect the children in our school.

    Thanks for the well wishes!

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