Twitter has been buzzing with how attendees of this past weekend’s innovative conference will apply what they learned, shared, discussed and saw.  I felt the pressure.

After spending my weekend immersed in discussion of moving education in the right direction, how would I make a difference? How would I play my part?

It came to me last night before fading off into (glorious!) sleep.  Most of my memorable experiences involved discussion and collaboration.  I need to put these experiences into the lives of my students.

As I plan for the next 6 week cycle of lessons, I am going to make a point to plan collaborative projects for my students that allow them a choice in how to ‘show what they know.’  I will let them do collaborative research projects, using Diigo to let them share resources and giving them a rubric that includes grading their part in the group.

A daunting task for students I see once a week for 45 minutes, but should it prove successful, I know it will be powerful for my students and for myself.


  1. Reply

    Mary Beth – I look forward to hearing how your new collaborative adventure turns out. Please make sure to share your journey with us!

  2. Karen Szymusiak


    I was disappointed that we didn't get to meet at Educon.

    I agree that collaboration and discussion were the foundation for such a successful conference. I feel like I learned from so many different people there. Every session involved lots of interaction. I shared this with teachers at our school today. (I am the principal.) The protocols used by the presenters are perfect models for classroom teaching as well.

    Good luck with your upcoming projects.

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