Today started with our new prep schedule on the counter and a note about us teaching our scripted reading program TWICE a day now, with a 30 minute period added at the end of the day.  Yay! More robot teaching!

In addition, I have students who, due to snow storms, coverage, holidays, etc.. haven’t completed enough work for me to give them a grade and now I won’t see them ever again.

Also, after all of our hard work, our school store schedule won’t work anymore and has to be redone and rethought.  The best part: this new schedule starts Monday with no practice run through for the students.

Before my first class, my eye caught my friend Steven Anderson‘s tweet:

It woke me up a little about how I should be trying to start my day, but I was still feeling fed up and frustrated.
After my first class left and my Enrichment group started filing in, one of my Enrichment students, V, walked up to me and hugged me.  At the start of the year I struggled with him over behavior issues but he has blossomed into one of my best students and amazes me every day with his intellect and maturity.  I told him, “V you just turned my day around.” 
One by one, each of my students, there were about 8 of them standing there at the time, gave me a hug as I walked in the room.
Man, did I need that.
I dedicate this post to my friend, Deven who shared his story of a student brightening his day here.

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