Next week, myself and hundreds of other educators from around the country will be congregating at the 92nd St Y in New York City to share stories of how they have used social media to grow personally and professionally and how they have used it to empower young people both in and out of the classroom.

The lineup of speakers is an exciting list of movers and shakers and inspiring people. I am honored to be part of such a lineup and I look forward to learning from everyone. (you can check out the schedule and the list of speakers here).

I will be holding a conversation with my colleagues, Hadley Ferguson and Mike Ritzius on Tuesday, July 31st at 2:00pm about the New Species of Educator:

As much as the dialogue has been opened about the importance and power of being a connected educator, most are still not. This has given rise to two factions of educators, and birthed a new ‘species’ of educator–one that is globally connected, one that is abreast of trends, research and policy ahead of the rest of their field. We want to tell our story and make a call to action for a new species of educator.

I am also looking forward to hearing about Classroom Champions from Steve  and Leigh Mesler, about “Building Bolder Schools” from Steve Dembo, about EdTech Link from Shelly Blake-Plock.

The event will be live streamed (you can find the live stream that day on the website), or, if you are an educator, you can attend for only $1.40). I hope to see you there!

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