discoveryedI am thrilled to have been invited again to Discovery Education’s Beyond the Textbook discussion at Discovery’s offices in Silver Springs, MD. Last year’s event was an inspiring and energizing experience, and I am excited to continue this conversation a year later.

A lot can change in a year. One of the biggest disruptors I see in the text/techbook realm are MOOCs (Massive, Open, Online Courses). These courses, which can have thousands of students enrolled in them, are usually free and are built from online resources of all types, including video, screencasts, online articles, PDFs, slide presentations and audio recordings. Professors for these courses create their own units and course content while also sourcing from free content online. This is very similar to the way many of us at last year’s event imagined a digital textbook. We discussed a kind of portal for students and teachers that could be easily customized with free content. MOOCs have taken that concept and expanded them to thousands of students across the world.

While we have come a long way toward that vision of teacher curating their own courses from online resources, I have not seen the textbook industry transform their vision of their product to meet this changing learning ecosystem. A comment on fellow attendee, Frank Noschese’s, blog post on the Techbook refers to a site called Net-Texts. This iOS app essentially allows users to access open courses through their iOS devices. Frank brings up what is, for me, the most important aspect of any re-imagining we do for the traditional textbook. He stresses that textbooks need to be more than just consumption tools. I, too, worry that as textbooks get more ‘flashy’ by going digital, they will just continue the trend of students consuming rather than creating content. I am even more concerned by the quickness with which textbook companies have been regurgitating the same kind of texts and stamping them with “Common Core Ready,” as if that makes them bright, shiny and new.

I learn tons from doing internet searches, watching videos and reading books and articles. Most of the time, the reason I am accessing content is because I am grappling with something and I have hit a wall in my understanding of it. As a learner, I don’t access content in a vacuum. I might need to know how the compressor on my fridge works because everything in it is frozen, so I look up the make and model of my fridge and check out some of the diagrams and troubleshooting tips. Or, I might be wondering if the article I’m reading is giving me a trustworthy portrayal of an event or a concept, so I seek out articles and books on the topic. I might need help with the vector drawing program I am using, so I seek out an online video tutorial. This is how most of us learn once we leave school, there are many students still in school who learn this way outside of school, and a small percentage of students learn this way as part of their every day school experience. Very rarely, when students want to learn something, do they say, “Hey, I bet there’s a great textbook on this somewhere!”

All of the learning experiences I describe above were directly related to a real world problem. The learning led to solving a problem. Learning that is tied to experience and real world application is learning that sticks, and learning that sticks is often non-linear. For that reason, the non-linear aspect of many existing digital books is promising since it allows learners to access content whenever they need it rather than following someone else’s sequencing of content. Think of the many times a teacher you had assigned chapters out of order or skipped some all together. Content should be accessed when it is applicable to something tangible.

The text/techbook of the future should include the above considerations in its design. It should be modular to meet the learner’s needs. It should be tied to experiences and chances to apply learning in real world ways. I imagine a techbook looking like a science notebook or journal. It would be a place where students can take notes, pin articles and videos, record experiments and discussions or lectures, organize data tied to these experiences sketch out ideas in words and pictures, and send and receive emails or other messages. Articles should have highlighting capabilities, and the ‘book’ should have a built-in, editable glossary. All of the content within the ‘book’ should also be shareable with classmates or teachers. Most of this technology already exists in some form. I often find myself using a number of apps or tools to do all of the tasks that I need for working and learning. What would be truly innovative and useful for learners is to create a device or platform in which these functions are all in one place, and in which learning is constructed through content that is closely connected to real world experiences and often created by the learner.

To follow the conversation about the future of the textbook, follow #BeyondTextbooks on Twitter.

You can also share your vision of what a “techbook” could/should be below.


  1. Mika


    If all your described techbook wishes were granted, would you be willing for them to come with a price tag—presumably one that accounts for the content as well as the convenience of the integrated functions—and perhaps more important, would today’s students be willing to pay for them? As you point out, MOOCs are usually free. Textbooks cost money, irrespective of platform.

    • marybeth


      Great point, Mika.

      The money, for me, is not an issue if the device or platform is modular, interactive and user-friendly. In addition, if the device or platform can easily be updated and revised and reused, then the replacement cost associated with new textbooks (which are often replaced every few years as new administration comes and goes) would be reduced. In addition, if one device or platform can serve many purposes, then the cost of buying and replacing a number of tools can be replaced with the cost of one device or platform.

      However, with the current trend of private companies monetizing education, you bring up something that is important to consider. Thanks!

    • Reply

      What seems to happen when a company puts a price on their service is that they try to protect their investment. This usually means making it a closed system. IE…I’ll gather together these resources, but not those because they are incompatible with my program (I can’t make money off them). People who choose to use a different platform, but are working on the same or a similar project cannot share resources. etc……

      Not saying this is always the case or is in anyway a comprehensive list of the problems, but it seems to be a model run by most publishers.

      It is possible to make resources both open and profitable, but it usually is more difficult and makes the profit of secondary nature.

  2. Pingback: Nebraska Change Agent - Beyond the Textbook

  3. Pingback: Innovations in Education - Students as Curators: Moving Towards Personalized Learning

    • marybeth


      Thanks, Brendan. I am always brought back to the history of learning. All learning was, for a long time, open and connected because there were very few “institutions” of learning for the masses.

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