Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

My Sunday brain is contemplating the physical classroom in the Fall.

I have been hearing a lot about installing cameras and microphones to record lessons for kids at home this Fall if schools cannot open normally, but part of me cringes at the thought of trying to replicate what we have been doing in a completely new situation.

I’m imagining that a true flipped classroom model could make the classroom the place where engagement and hands on learning happen, saving direct instruction for the screen at home. The classroom would be the place where kids interact and expand on those concepts they learned at home and get individual support.

In younger grades, skills and concepts can be introduced through short, recorded direct instruction with the physical classroom being focused on social skills, small group instruction, dynamic assessments and just being a kid with other kids.

Of course, community should play a huge role in all face to face opportunities.

There will be kids who will not be able to come into the classroom with their peers. We can still allow those children to join virtually, work in small groups and ask questions. These students could be paired with a student who is physically in the room as their classroom buddy who can help them navigate the class.

Things to consider that also give me pause about streaming and recording our classrooms: the privacy of our students. So many things happen in a classroom that cannot be predicted, and would it limit the level of discussion if kids know that their questions or opinions are broadcast widely and even recorded? Would teachers shy away from difficult or messy topics or class discussions?

Tell me what you are thinking. Tell me I’m crazy, tell me if you think any of this is on the right track.

UPDATE 6-19-20:

I wanted to include this informative and thoughtful thread by Jesse Stommel that speaks to many of the concerns I have:

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  1. Pingback: Implications of the Hybrid Classroom – Mary Beth Hertz

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