Fitting Creativity into Assessment

This tweet came to me from Greg McVerry during this week’s #edchat conversation about promoting creativity in schools.  The discussion thread was about assessing creativity. While I do not think that creativity itself can be assessed, I do think that it needs to be part of the assessment process. And I’m not talking about the…

Politics and Education

When I first entered the world of education as a freshman in college, teaching was all about reaching my students, making connections, conveying knowledge and creating exciting learning opportunities for them.  I spent a month in Tohatchi, New Mexico teaching at a boarding school on the Navajo Reservation.  This experience opened my eyes to all…


Just last week my friend Chad Sansing challenged me to respond to his blog post, #EduThingsILike. In his post he listed things that he would like to see in schools, districts and education as a whole. His post was in response to Tom Vander Ark‘s post Things I Like. Here are the things I like…

Shame on You, Newsweek

I have been subscribing to Newsweek magazine for almost 5 years now.  I look forward to each week’s thought provoking articles and commentary by smart, educated and well-informed journalists. This doesn’t mean I always agree with everything I read, but I enjoy the discourse nonetheless. I was appalled, however, to unfold this week’s cover as…

A New Model for School Reform: Could it Work?

Recently, with all of this change coming to Philadelphia schools, in conversation with fellow educators at the Educon conference and some engaging conversation on Twitter and Google Buzz I’ve been thinking about what a good model of school reform would look like. Many of my colleagues and I agree that expanding the Charter School model…