Why teach?

While visiting my family in New York, my mother asked me what I would do if I wasn’t teaching. (I may not be wording the question correctly, but it was to that effect.) All I could think was that teaching is what I know how to do and it’s what I do, and I really…

Ah Rumors, Sweet Rumors

The new developments…So after getting my feathers in a bunch, it seems that we are getting a new school after all. However, it looks as though we may need to relocate first. This means we have to empty the entire school of everything we need and move to another building, only to pack it up…

I’m Not the Only One!

I just received my copy of Teaching Tolerance‘s magazine (Spring 2009) and I was both inspired by and happy to read the article called “Crossing the Gap” about students from the South Side of Chicago who protested inequalities in the system on the first day of school by traveling to a wealthier section of Chicago…