Some Thoughts on AI in the Classroom

As I look at the conference offerings for this year’s ISTE conference, I am concerned to see Alexa-focused sessions about how to incorporate the device into your classroom. I have an Amazon Dot in my kitchen, which I purchased on a whim a few years ago and use for listening to podcasts, checking the weather,…

The Hot New Education Trend That No One is Talking About

Definition from Oxford Dictionaries This past week I have been spending a lot of time with some really smart educators from all over the country. While the premise of this convening was the enormous edtech conference, ISTE, I spent less time talking about tech tools and awesome apps and more time talking about equity, school…

Tweet and Blog for Ed Tech

Today, ISTE is urging anyone involved in Education Technology to speak out in support of the Enhancing Education Through Technology (ETTT) program, which has been merged with a new program, Effective Teaching and Learning for a Complete Education. President Obama has called for the merging of these programs, effectively ending the ETTT program as it…

The Long-Awaited Oxford Debate

The second keynote address at the conference was an ‘Oxford-style’ debate about the question below. I have summarized the main points by each contributor below. It was moderated by Robert Seigel from NPR’s All Things Considered. Video archive here from ISTE Vision Four panelists, 2 for and 2 against (5 minutes each)Q: Are bricks and…